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Meta Tag Analyzer

Senin, Februari 08, 2010 | komentar

Meta is the Greek word for “over”, and the “meta-tags” were initially designed to carry all sort of meta-information, meaning “information-about”. Using meta-tags for specifying keywords or a description for a webpage is not an HTML standard convention, but it is a widely accepted use of the meta-tags.

You should add keywords in Meta tag which define your website. Most search engines still give high importance to Meta tag and use it as a determining factor for ranking a website. Some search engines give less importance to Meta tags but when you consider SEO, it's very important that you consider each small and big factor.

Back in the early days of the web, the search engines did not rely on links to determine how relevant a website is for a particular keyword. Instead they primarily looked at on-page factors to determine rankings. To get rankings and traffic, it was a competition of who could get their target keywords into all the right places of their website. One key spot to put their target phrases was the keywords meta tag.

First and foremost, your description must be relevant to your website. It should convey in a few words what your target audience should expect to get out of using your website. Your description should directly relate to both the title and the body content of your website. With that being said, every page on your website may not necessarily have the same description.

By inserting as many targeted keywords in the Keyword Meta-tag, they figured that they could influence the rankings of said websites by confusing the rather simple search engine algorithms of the time into incorrectly identifying their websites as qualified for those keywords; even though such keywords never appeared anywhere in the main body of text.

According to, SEO is the term used to describe the marketing technique of preparing a website to enhance its chances of being ranked in the top results of a search engine once a relevant search is undertaken. A number of factors are important when optimizing a website, including the content and structure of the website's copy and page layout, the HTML meta-tags and the submission process.

If your Title Tag reads "Online Job Directory" and your web page is about "online gambling" you are not only misleading your visitors, but you will most likely incur a penalty by the major search engines. The penalties imposed by search engines can be anything from a lower search engine results ranking to an all out ban of your entire site/domain.

Creating good content is essential. Each page should have useful content and include your important keywords. Don't try to stuff all of your important keywords onto a single page. Create pages around a theme, a small collection of keyword phrases. For instance, target 1-3 keyword phrases per page. Write a title that incorporates those keyword phrases.

Optimasi Mesin Pencari dengan HTML Meta Tag

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Ada banyak Teknik SEO atau Tips SEO untuk meng-optimasi blog ato website anda agar SEO friendly. Beberapa diantaranya sudah saya singgung pada artikel sebelumnya pada blog belajar ngeblog ini. Baik melalui on-page SEO ataupun off-page SEO. Salah satu teknik SEO paling tua tapi masih juga efektif adalah dengan melakukan optimasi pada html meta tag, baik meta title tag, meta keyword tag maupun meta description tag. Kenapa tips seo kuno yang satu ini masih juga maknyuss ?

Karena umumnya mesin crawler Search engine semisal google akan terlebih dahulu mengunjungi bagian ini di banding dengan bagian-bagian yang lain. Jadi bisa dikatakan, HTML Meta Tag ini merupakan penuntun untuk crawler ketika mereka mengakses dan kemudian mengindeks blog kita di search engine. Yuk kita bahas tips SEO yang satu ini

Teknik dan Tips SEO kali ini akan fokus pada blog berplatform blogspot, loh knapa begitu? apa wordpress ga bisa? Tentu saja bisa. Pada blog berplatform wordpress seperti blog ini, penggunaan trik ini tidak diperlukan lagi. Anda tinggal instal wordpress plugin all in one SEO pack, utek sana sini, beress.
Meta Title Tag

Yang akan kita bahas disini adalah bagaimana caranya agar title/ judul dari tiap halaman bisa muncul pada hasil pencarian. Karena secara default, judul yang tampil pada indeks di mesin pencari adalah judul global dari blog, bukan judul dari masing2 posting. untuk melakukan hal ini, ikuti langkah2 berikut :
  • Login ke account blogger anda,
  • Pada dashboard, pilih edit layout–> edit HTML
  • Cari kode title tag bawaan blogspot seperti dibawah ini, lebih mudah bila anda menggunakan ctrl+F


  • Setelah kode tag tadi ketemu, highlight (blok) lalu ganti dengan kode dibawah ini:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>

  • Klik Save Template untuk menyimpan perubahan.

How to Choose the Right Keyword

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Sorry Bro..!! kali ini postingan aku so pake bahasa inggris juga ne..padahal aku aja belum ngerti banget artinya ape..hehe, tapi ga apalah kalie aja ada temen2 yg mahir ngartiin ini bahasa, ya sekedar share bagaimana cara memilih keyword yg benar hingga nantinya blog kita bisa cepat terlacak oleh teman2 blogger ngerti loe..

Keyword research is absolutely essential when marketing on the internet. If you want to hit the the internet marketing jackpot, become an expert at keyword research. Choosing the right keywords will make or break your marketing campaigns. There is an extensive amount of research that goes into choosing the right keywords. If you take the time and do it right, you can dominate the search engine top rankings. Just think about dominating the first page of sites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If you want to become an internet marketing expert, you need to make the search engines your best friend.

Always think about what will make the search engines happy. Give them what they want. They want to make their customers happy by giving them what they are looking for. When someone does a search on their sites, they want to give their customers exactly what they are searching for. That's where you come in. If your provide good content or ads, your information could show when someone searches for it. Wether you are using pay per click advertising, or search engine optimization, keyword research will make or break your marketing efforts. Do it right and you will have a flood of traffic daily to your website and also dominate the search engine top rankings.

So what is the exact process when choosing keywords?

First of all there isn't an exact cut in stone process to keyword research. There are many tools and theories as to how to do it right. There are paid tools and free tools that you can use. The paid tools will give you more accurate data than the free tools, but the free one's can still give you good enough data to work with.

There are two major types of keywords. Short-tailed and long tailed. Example of short-tailed (online business). Example of long-tailed (I want to start an online business in my spare time). As you can see, short-tailed are generic and not very specific. It's also extremely difficult to rank in the search engine top rankings with short-tailed keywords. Long-tailed are more specific and you have a better chance at ranking higher in the search engines because less people are using them.

There are some guidelines to use that will hep you with doing your keyword research more effectively.

First of all go to Google and type in a search with your keyword in quotes (quotes means an exact keyword). After you type in your search, go to the number next to "results." A good guidline to follow when using seo is to provide content that has less than 50,000 search results. This will be your best chance to rank high in the search engines with your content. Anything more than 50,000 becomes hard to rank on the first page of the search engines because there is already so much content out there. This is also a good guideline to follow when using pay per click marketing. The lower the search results for keywords, the less you will pay per click.

Other tools to use are Wordtracker and Google's keyword research tool. When you type in your keyword, you can see how many people search for it on a daily and monthly basis. This will tell you if it's even worth using. The paid version of Wordtracker will give you more accurate results, but the free version is a good start. A good guideline to follow that will give you the best chance of a high ranking in the search engines is to use keywords that are searched 10-30 times a day. It's still important to use the search results guide of 50,000 when doing your research. Sometimes you will find keywords that are searched more than 30 times a day and have less than 50,000 search results. Those are a gold mine!

Your best chance at high search engine rankings is to use keywords that are searched 10-30 times a day and have less than 50,000 search results.

There's another key to look for when doing keyword research. Always check to see if there are ads on the right side of the page when you search for your term. If you see ads, chances are your keyword is profitable because people are using them in the pay per click marketing campaigns. This isn't necessarily always the case but it's a good guideline to follow. The more ads that show, the more profitable the keyword.

Choosing keywords is a science that's still being researched today. There are always changes being made, but these are good guidelines to follow. Always remember when doing your research to follow the 50,000 results maximum, the 10-30 visits a day average, and pay attention to see if ads are showing for your searches. If you follow these guidelines, your content will have a good chance of making it to the search engine top rankings. Your costs with pay per click marketing will be alot less as well. Now go out there and make the search engines your best friend. They will reward you tremendously for your efforts.

Setting GPRS dan MMS Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, dan 3

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Berawal dari permintaan seorang teman untuk dibuatkan Aplikasi Facebook di HP Nokia 5310, tapi ternyata HP yang baru dia beli belum disettting GPRSnya, terpaksa deh aku setting dulu.. nah disini ada beberapa settingan GPRS dan MMS untuk kartu Telkomsel,Indosat, XL dan 3 yang bisa anda coba…
Anda bisa masuk ke menu browser, kemudian pilih setting, lalu ikuti pengaturan manual GPRS. Atau sebelum melakukan setting manual, ada baiknya Anda coba melakukan setting OTA dengan mengirimkan SMS sesuai petunjuk masing-masing operator.

Kirim SMS ke 6616 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS

Kirim SMS ke 6616 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi]angka dibelakang simcard Anda (Nomor ICCID/Integrated Circuit Card Identification)
Kemudian tunggu beberapa saat, Anda akan mendapat SMS konfirmasi bahwa aplikasi GPRS sedang diproses. Waktu yang dibutuhkan sekitar 48 jam. Setelah GPRS aktif, Anda akan mendapat notifikasi SMS lagi yang menyatakan GPRS sudah aktif.
Setting Manual :
Profile Name : TSEL GPRS
APN : Telkomsel
User name : wap
Password : wap123
Authentication : Normal
Gateway IP address :
Homepage :
Data Bearer : GPRS
Proxy port number : 9201 atau 8000
Connection Name: tel-MMS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name: mms
Username: wap
Prompt Password: No
Password: wap123
Authentication: Normal
Proxy address:
Connection Security: Off

Setting OTA:
Kirim SMS ke888 dengan pesan :

Setting OTA via SMS ;
Kirim SMS ke3000 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi] merk HP[spasi] tipe HP
Setting Manual :
Profile Name : INDOSATGPRS
Homepage URL :
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
APN : indosatgprs
Profile Name : INDOSATGPRS
Homepage URL :
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
APN : indosatmms

Setting OTA via SMS ;
Kirim SMS ke3939 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi] merk HP[spasi] tipe HP
Setting Manual :
Connection name : M3-GPRS
Access point name :
User name : gprs
Password : im3
Authentication : Normal
Homepage :
IP address :
Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)
Connection name : M3-MMS
Access point name : indosatmms
User name : indosatmms
Password : indosatmms
Authentication : Normal
Homepage :
IP address :
Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)

Setting OTA via SMS
Ketik SMS dengan isi : GPRS[spasi][spasi] Kirim ke 9667
Ketik SMS dengan isi : MMS[spasi][spasi] Kirin ke 9667
Setting Manual :
Connection Name: XL-GPRS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
Username: xlgprs
Prompt Password: No
Password: proxl
Authentication: Normal
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent
IP Address: Automatic
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080
Connection Name: XL-MMS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
Username: xlgprs
Prompt Password: No
Password: proxl
Authentication: Normal
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent
IP Address: Automatic
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080

Setting Manual :
Settings’ Name: 3-GPRS
Homepage :
Proxies : Enable
Proxy address :
Port : 3128
GPRS access point : 3gprs
Authentication type : Normal
Login type : Automatic
Username : 3gprs
Password : 3gprs
Settings’ name : 3-MMS
Homepage :
GPRS access point : 3mms
Authentication type : Normal
Username : 3mms
Password : 3mms
Allow adverts : No

Parameter Umum GPRS
Connection Name : AXIS
Data Bearer : GPRS atau PS
Access Point Name (APN) : AXIS
Username : AXIS
Prompt Password : No
Password : 123456
Authentication : Normal
Gateway/Proxy IP Address :
Gateway/Proxy Port : 9201 atau 8080
Homepage :
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode : Permanent
Parameter Umum MMS
Connection Name : AXISmms
Data Bearer : GPRS atau PS
Access Point Name (APN) : AXISmms
Username : AXIS
Prompt Password : No
Password : 123456
Authentication : Normal
Gateway/Proxy IP Address :
Gateway/Proxy Port : 9201 atau 8080
Homepage / MMS Server : http://mmsc.AXIS
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode : Permanent
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